Community Strategic Plan
It is time to review our current Community Strategic Plan to see what has changed and make sure the plan reflects everything our community wants the Region to be by 2035.
This is the community’s plan for the future. It is developed through community feedback received via workshops and survey submissions.
The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is a 2 x 5 year strategic document that informs the direction and priorities of Council over a 10-year period and defines the commitments and outcomes that Council intends to achieve and outlines action areas to deliver.
It captures Council’s decision-making processes and accountability, as well as our community priorities, relating to service delivery, assets, programs, partnerships and the economy.
The Plan forms part of Council’s Integrated Planning, Performance & Reporting Framework. The Framework is premised on the basis that all Council planning should originate from a robust understanding of the community’s expectations around key priorities and service levels.
It represents the highest level of strategic planning for Council & identifies the main priorities and aspirations of the community, providing a clear set of objectives to achieve this vision.
The Community Strategic Plan translates the community's vision into actionable programs deliverable by Council. These measures are reported through Council's Annual Report.
The Plan is adopted prior to the start of the first financial year covered by the Plan (in this case 2025) and reviewed on an annual basis.
Workshop Information – These sessions have been held
Survey – Now closed
View Survey Results here
We're happy to announce our six lucky draw winners who won a $100 voucher each!
📍 Winners:
1️⃣ Stacey Price
2️⃣ Paula Ransom
3️⃣ Julie Cox
4️⃣ Jeneve Barnicoat
5️⃣ Richard Lobegeiger
6️⃣ R Stark
Note: Winners have been notified.
The current CSP can be viewed here
For further information about the project please phone Council on 07 4761 5300 or