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The Towers Hill Master Plan was adopted at Council's General Meeting held 16 June 2021.
Project overview
Towers Hill is an iconic natural beauty in the Charters Towers Region. It’s a treasure-trove of remnants and relics of the Region’s rich goldrush heritage and involvement in the second World War, tastefully complemented by innovative and exciting tourism experiences which bring them and surrounding views to life.
Council has developed this Towers Hill Master Plan to better understand the opportunities and considerations of this much loved landmark to help our community prosper, to increase visitor attraction, celebrate its historical significance and enable more active and passive land uses in a financially sustainable manner.
Towers Hill, Towers Hill Road | Mosman Street Walking Track, Mosman Street and Black Jack Road | Old Brewery Site, Alabama Road
Community Consultation
Stage 1 – Information Collection (to support analysis, review and drafting of the Master Plan)
The Towers Hill Master Plan was developed utilising previously gathered data from the Destination Tourism Management Plan (DMP) and Economic Development & Innovation Strategy (EDIS) (see documents).
Both strategic plans were informed by broad consultation with the community, local business, and economic stakeholders. The engagement process included digital community surveys, public workshops, Councillor and staff roundtable discussions, and interviews with key industry stakeholders.
Stage 2 – Feedback on the draft Master Plan
Public Consultation: Thursday, 29 April 2021 – Friday, 14 May 2021.
Stage 3 - Adoption of Master Plan
Adopted at General Meeting of Council on 16 June 2021.
The Towers Hill Master Plan was adopted at Council's General Meeting held 16 June 2021.
Project overview
Towers Hill is an iconic natural beauty in the Charters Towers Region. It’s a treasure-trove of remnants and relics of the Region’s rich goldrush heritage and involvement in the second World War, tastefully complemented by innovative and exciting tourism experiences which bring them and surrounding views to life.
Council has developed this Towers Hill Master Plan to better understand the opportunities and considerations of this much loved landmark to help our community prosper, to increase visitor attraction, celebrate its historical significance and enable more active and passive land uses in a financially sustainable manner.
Towers Hill, Towers Hill Road | Mosman Street Walking Track, Mosman Street and Black Jack Road | Old Brewery Site, Alabama Road
Community Consultation
Stage 1 – Information Collection (to support analysis, review and drafting of the Master Plan)
The Towers Hill Master Plan was developed utilising previously gathered data from the Destination Tourism Management Plan (DMP) and Economic Development & Innovation Strategy (EDIS) (see documents).
Both strategic plans were informed by broad consultation with the community, local business, and economic stakeholders. The engagement process included digital community surveys, public workshops, Councillor and staff roundtable discussions, and interviews with key industry stakeholders.
Stage 2 – Feedback on the draft Master Plan
Public Consultation: Thursday, 29 April 2021 – Friday, 14 May 2021.
Stage 3 - Adoption of Master Plan
Adopted at General Meeting of Council on 16 June 2021.